Interview AG

Next up in our interview series is our very own Mouse also known as Adam Gray. There's a lot we can say about Mouse but it's probably best we don't. 
What are some of your highlights from last year? - Revs related.
I love how you have to clarify in the question Revs related. Could have been some horrendous things in there otherwise. Erm... I'd probably have to say winning the Stanley Flashman plate, that and just seeing how far the teams come along in just over a year. Doesn't seem that long ago we were nearly killing each other trying to play contact in the park.

You jointly hold the record for most tackles in a single game with 8. Most of those were outrageous diving tackles should we expect more of those in the upcoming season?
I'm actually hoping I won't have to make as many this season. I'm usually forced into making those diving tackles because I messed up so badly in coverage in the first place. Hopefully more boring routine tackles from me this year, although I do love giving the fans a good web gem.

What do you think about our new head coach and Captain? 
They always seem to make these changes when I'm away, surely must just be pure coincidence though. No I'm messing, I think they're both great picks. 

What are your goals for this season? 
Got to be challenging for promotion, or at least to make a good account of ourselves in the league. Going to be tough, but I reckon if we play as I know we can, should make a good go of it. Personal goals I've probably just got to say make sure I'm at each game week, missed far more than I should have last season. 

Who on the team should we watch out for this season? 
I'm gonna say Aiden, our very own Gronkowski, absolute danger in the end zone! Only joined us half way through last season, be great seeing what he can do with a full season under his belt. Saying that I think everyone on the team is capable of stepping up in a big way when it matters. 

What teams are you looking forward to playing this season? 
Everyone's said it so far, but I do like the friendly rivalry we have going with Wigan, great bunch of lads and we always seem to have a close game with them. I wouldn't mind playing Northampton again, mainly because every time I've played them they just make me look like a complete mug, be interesting to see if I've improved a bit on last season. 

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